After graduating from her EnglishLanguage and Literature program,Grace completed her master's degreein Radio, Television, 1 Cinema and adoctorate in Media Studies. She hasalso worked as an English instructor insecondary schools and universities.Grace has won the appreciation ofstudents and praise from teachers forher published English-languagelearning course books. Her latestprojects include a new series oforiginal Turkish storybooks to sparkchildren’s imaginations.
Welcome to a truly innovative program for English languagelearners!
Think 4 Skills is Think Education’s new 3-level skills course designedespecially for today’s enquiring young adult learner profile. Each skillstrand demands equal attention as the many sides of each unit’stopic are uncovered. Every page boasts opportunities for vocabularyacquisition, topic exploration, low and high-order thinking skills, andmeaningful discussion. When learners open a unit, they open aworld!